2022 – 2023 “Past and presente impacts of megadroughts in high Andean lakes of northern and central Chile”. Concurso ANID Fondo de Investigación Estratégica en Sequía (Asignación Rápida) año 2021. FSEQ210021. Investigador principal.
2021 – 2023 “Paleo-LINCGLOBAL: la dimensión temporal del Antropoceno y los impactos del Cambio Global en lagos en Iberoamérica”. Proyecto de Cooperación Científica Iberoamericana. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Española INCGLO0029. Investigador Principal.
2020 – 2022 “Applicability of bacterial membrane lipids as temperature and pH proxies in continental settings” Proyecto de Intercambio Francia-Chile. Programa de Cooperación Científica ECOS-ANID (N°190011). Investigador Principal.
2020 – 2022 “Determining the sensitivity of lake sediment proxies to late Holocene climate variability: a test from a longitudinal study in Northern Patagonia across the Andes” FONDECYT REGULAR (N° 1201277). Co-Investigador.
2019 – 2021 “Assessing a regional hydroclimate signal from southern South America for the last two millennia through a suite of lake sediment biogeochemical records” FONDECYT REGULAR (N° 1190398). Investigador principal.
2019 – 2021 “The impact of wildfire severity on soil pyrogenic carbon across contrasting fire-prone ecosystems in central Chile: Temporal dynamics and related-effects on soil properties.” FONDECYT REGULAR (N° 1191905). Co-Investigador.
2018 – 2020 As a sponsoring researcher (principal investigator, Dr. Facundo Barrera): “Hydroclimatic influence on estuarine-land interactions in northern Chilean Patagonia (Reloncaví fjord): Impacts on organic matter, sustainable resources, and human health” FONDECYT Post-Doctorado (N° 3180307). Investigador principal.
2016 – 2018 “Constraining the hydroclimate gradient in Southern South America using molecular isotopic proxies” FONDECYT REGULAR (N° 1160719). Investigador Principal.
2016 – 2018 “Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and emergent compounds (EC) in the marine food web of Central Chile: What is the influence of emergent pollutants such as Microplastics?” FONDECYT REGULAR (N° 1161673). Co-Investigador.
2017 – 2018 Proyecto CIBAS Disentangle trophic levels in a glacial Chilean Patagonian fjord (Channel Martinez), combining fatty acids and stable isotope analysis of key organisms living in a remote estuarine ecosystem.
07-12 / 2018 Proyecto FAS Ciclo de Charlas: Hacia un entendimiento integrado de la influencia hidroclimática en la interacción océano-tierra en la zona de fiordos Patagónicos de Chile.
2016-2017. “Obtención y caracterización Sedimentológica y Geoquímica de un Núcleo de Sedimento del Lago Lanalhue” Asistencia Técnica, Bioforest y Celulosa Arauco.
2015-2016. “Constraining the hydroclimate gradient in Southern South America using molecular isotopic proxies”. UCSC-IPFE (N°01/2015). Investigador Principal.
2014-2016. “Restringiendo la variabilidad hidroclimática del sur de Sudamérica a través de proxies geoquímicos lacustres”. CONICYT-Programa de Atracción e Inserción de Capital Humano Avanzado (PAI) (N° 79130036). Investigador Principal.
2014-2015. “Dynamic of air-water and sediment-water exchange of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): What is the role of Concepción Bay in the local and regional distribution of POPs in Central Chile?”. CONICYT/FONDECYT (N° 1130329). Co-Investigador.
2014-2015. “Downslope Andean winds in Southern-Central Chile”. CONICYT/FONDECYT (N° 1131092). Investigador Colaborador.
2014-2015. “Environmental changes in Chilean Patagonia caused by historical fires generated during the 20th Century settlement: evaluating lacustrine ecosystems resilience”. CONICYT/FONDECYT (N° 1120765). Investigador Colaborador.
2014-2015. “Pesticidas Organoclorados presentes en sedimentos superficiales de un sistema de fiordos: el aporte de los glaciales de campos de hielo norte y sur, Patagonia, Chile”. CIMAR 20 Fiordos (N° CONA C20F 14-04). Investigador Colaborador.
2014-2015. “Distribución de Pesticidas Organoclorados (POC’s) presentes en agua y material particulado-suspendido (MPS) en el continuo fiordo-mar interior-océano, desde el estero de Reloncaví a la Boca del Guafo (39,5°S-44°S)”. CIMAR 19 Fiordos (N° CONA C19F 13-08). Investigador Colaborador.
2012-2013. “Constraining the latitudinal variability in southern South American hydroclimate through lacustrine geochemical proxies”. Seed grant, Global Programs and Strategy Alliance, University of Minnesota, USA. Co-Investigador.
2011-2012. “A high-resolution middle Pleistocene paleoclimate record from the Valles Caldera, New Mexico”.NSF (Nº 0902888). Investigador Asociado.
2009-2010. “Determination of nitrogen cycling in oxygen minimum zone waters from the eastern tropical Pacific” combining water column oceanographic data and nitrogen isotope paring incubation experiments” as a Research associate at the Max Planck Society.
2009-2010. “Determine the nitrogen isotope signature for anammox bacteria and its implications on the nitrogen isotope budget calculations” using anammox enrichment cultures and nitrogen isotope measurements in dissolved nitrogen compounds” as a Research associate at the Max Planck Society.
2009-2010. “Past oceanographic conditions off Peru margin from marine sediments (Site ODP 1229) and its relationship with deep sub-surface biogeochemistry” combining X-Ray-Fluorescence (XRF) core scanner, lipid biomarkers, and bulk and compound specific carbon isotope analyses” as a Post-doctorate fellow at the Max Planck Society.
2009-2010. “Modelling the depth of the Sulfate-Methane Transition Zone (SMTZ) in a dynamic deep biosphere” as a Post-doctorate fellow at the Max Planck Society.
2009-2010. “Organic matter characterization – what is the origin and composition of the organic matter and what is driving the different organic carbon mineralization rates in Svalbard fjords” as a Post-doctorate fellow at the Max Planck Society.
2008-2009. “Resolving terrigenous imprint and climate in the eastern equatorial Pacific (ODP Site 1239) during the last 300.000 kyr” as a Post-doctorate fellow at the Max Planck Society together with the Alfred Wegener Institute.